About Heathlands Grow Your Own
Heathlands Grow Your Own Limited is a non-profit company formed to manage the grow your own plots at Squires Garden Centre, Heathlands, Wokingham, on behalf of the plotholders. All plotholders are shareholders in the company, and can vote on resolutions put to an AGM or EGM. The management board are elected from among the plotholders.
There are over 100 plots on our site, each roughly 100m2 in size. There’s plenty of water on site, and structures such as sheds, greenhouses and fruit cages are all allowed. The garden centre facilities are there if you need them, including an excellent café, along with a convenient supply of seeds, compost, plants and tools. Your plotholder’s discount card will entitle you to 10% off garden centre purchases (except for concessions, or if the product price is already discounted). A combination lock on the entrance means that you can always access the site, even when the centre is closed. A plot costs £7.00 a month: that’s only 23p a day.
We look forward to seeing you at the plots.
Management Board 2023–2024
Chairperson / Health & Safety: Howard de Silva (plot 3)
Treasurer: Terry McLoughlin (plot 52A)
Company Secretary and Vice Chairperson: Lionel Browne (plots 68–69)
Membership Secretary: Simon Harvey (plot 47)
Pest Control: Julia Goodall (plots 88–89)
Maintenance: Peter Walsh (plot 17)
Water Supply: Paul Clarke (plots 39, 48, 61–63, 78)
Social Organiser: Sally Wood (plot 6)