Jobs to do this month
Spring is with us later this month, and so this is when things start to get busy, as the soil warms up.
General care
- Continue mulching, particularly after planting out.
- Keep slugs off plants.
- Look out for rabbit damage.
- Watch out for cold nights and frosty weather, and be ready to protect early sowings if necessary.
- Dormant annual weed seeds will start to germinate as the soil warms up. Hoe them off in dry weather before they get established.
- Last chance to plant bare-root fruit while it’s still dormant.
- Apply a balanced fertiliser such as fish, blood and bone round fruit bushes and trees.
- Plant rhubarb crowns.
- Plant out strawberry runners.
Vegetables and salads
- Harvest winter cabbages.
- Sow broad beans, Brussels sprouts, leeks, lettuces, onions, parsley, parsnips, peas, radishes, rocket, spinach and turnips outdoors.
- Sow beetroot, celeriac, cucumbers and basil under gla
- Plant out broad bean seedlings that were sown earlier in the year.
- Plant onion and shallot sets.
- It’s not too late to start chitting your seed potatoes, but you’ll be planting them out soon: earlies first, followed by second earlies and first maincrops towards the end of the month.
- Plant asparagus crowns in well-manured trenches.
- Pot up plugs of hardy herbs such as rosemary, and divide established clump-forming herbs.