Jobs to do this month
This list isn’t exhaustive. You can get detailed advice from many organisations, especially those listed on this website under Help and Advice
- If necessary, thin out young fruits on trees for a good-sized crop.
- Pinch off unwanted strawberry runners.
- Continue picking rhubarb, and feed and mulch the surrounding soil.
- Tie in new fruit canes.
- Add fertiliser (e.g. fish, blood and bone) along rows of cane fruits and strawberries.
- Hang pheromone traps on apple trees from now until August, to catch male codling moths. Replace the pheromone capsules and sticky sheets regularly.
Vegetables and salads
- Sow parsley seed.
- Sow sweetcorn in deep pots under cover or in the greenhouse, ready to plant out in June.
- Keep sowing leafy salad crops.
- Plant perennial herbs, and split and replant established plants.
- Plant out herb plug plants.
- Plant tomatoes in the greenhouse.
- Plant climbing beans (e.g. runners, French beans, borlotti beans).
- Pinch out the growing tips of broad beans to deter blackfly. Use a soap-based organic spray to clear heavy infestations.
- Keep earthing up potatoes.
- Transplant leek seedlings into their growing positions.
- Support tall pea varieties with sticks.
- Keep compost heaps turned, to aerate them and encourage the bacteria.
- Harvest spring onions.